Wednesday, October 20, 2004

see how jeff and I are telepathic on msn

BiG PrEcioUS says:
Jeff - Yum says:
in the bathroom
BiG PrEcioUS says:
was cracked. All the way to the top
Jeff - Yum says:
i choked on its shards
BiG PrEcioUS says:
and I felt it slowly cutting my belly. Like children with scissors
Jeff - Yum says:
Yet, strangely, it was refreshing. Like a rebirth.
BiG PrEcioUS says:
yes, you see, some if it came out in my pee, like little lethal sprinkles of wondrous pleasure
Jeff - Yum says:
Jeff - Yum says:
I've returned
BiG PrEcioUS says:
with a knife
Jeff - Yum says:
to cut the throats of those responsible
BiG PrEcioUS says:
any that ever spoke out against me. Because it was MY birthday, MY time
Jeff - Yum says:
haha, that's right
Jeff - Yum says:
and who were they to fuck with that? who were they to desecrate my holy hour?
BiG PrEcioUS says:
to me they were no more than lunchmeat -disposible, despicable, dishonorable
BiG PrEcioUS says:
they deserved what they got in their sandwich
BiG PrEcioUS says:
-a thick slice of DEATH
Jeff - Yum says:
but they will laugh no more. no longer will their voices be heard among the crowd. instead, i will replace them with their shadows. choking, gurgling windpipes writhing on the floor, spewing blood and bile.

BiG PrEcioUS says:
can I publish that?
Jeff - Yum says:
BiG PrEcioUS says:
do you like smiley bob?
Jeff - Yum says:
BiG PrEcioUS says:


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4:46 p.m.  

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