Mental Chores
Like silverfish that I thought I had killed
Can’t remember where I put my favourite pen
I could have sworn but that wouldn't be polite
The application must be completed
Nothing can NOTHING can be unprepared
So it’s not our fault if you lost your password
Probably your own butterfingers, chum
Like it or not it’s about time you grow up
Accept your something or at first deciding
What is it? What was it? Where is it going?
Do I look like a Prophet?
Suddenly everything gets so damn serious
Going through my mid-minute crisis again
Where do I start my post-theorem thesis?
When exactly do I drive home the point?
It’s relative whether moral relativity is prudent
Practical uses have a very short shelf-life
To act against will or to will your own outcome
Carpe diem! Do and be damned!
Decisions, decisions, clutter my closet
Priorities prick me in every which way
If I do A then X will be helpless
It’s ok, he always was lame.
Hands off my counter! I’ll set it when ready
Urgent to you is a bit out of line
Timing my time off, I know you are ticking
But who’s the boss if no one’s at work?