Wednesday, November 24, 2004

What Wellness Really Means

I just went to a lecture on the whole health issue tonight from an alternative medical professional, Dr. Bryan Lawrence, B.Sc., D.C. I had no idea what I was getting into with the chiropractor but I was happy to find out.

He attributes all health problems mostly to emotional and chemical factors, with a miniscule attribution to physical causes. These are sometimes complications stemming back to causes far in history. It can even start at birth in a hospital. Consider that women are laid on a bed, forced to work against gravity. When that doesn't work, the doctor administers forceps "big pliers" to the undeveloped cranium of the baby, putting up to 110 pounds of pressure on the neck as they're pulling away. One would suspect this would leave some trauma within the nervous systems memory. When that doesn't work, they perform a C-section. It affirmed my conviction that everything is a web that has a ripple effect. If you bottle up tension, it's bound to show up later, and "even cancer has intelligence." (Lawrence)

How the nervous system works as a circuit is that when the spinal cord has internal pressure due to 'tortion', the twisting that causes bone misplacement and tension on the nerves. This affects the patterns that the nervous system initiates, and physical conditions become chronic. Cell regeneration used to meet the demand of cell degeneration poorly adapts to create new cells that aren't as good as the ones they're replacing.

We've all heard at some point that we get an entirely new body every seven years. You get a new heart every 6 months or so. If causes often are emotional, what does that say about our ability to recover from a broken heart?

The problem with mainstream medicine is that when you medicate the body to deal with the symptom, the body figures it doesn't need to deal with the cause. You might get rid of symptoms of cancer by radiating cell-killing waves at the body, but you've waged war with the entire body. You still haven't stopped the cause of disease. Dr. Lawrence said that 50% of heart-attacks have no symptoms other than death.

Some people get pains in their old war wounds at strange times. Sometimes the body relives old injuries years later just because it is dealing with the problem. A bummy knee might become more manageable because it's ignored, but the body is like an onion, and as you strip away the layers, you either get to a core that is regenerating or degenerating. There are no other categories for what mainstream medicine puts into thousands of labels for diseases and disorders.

The body has its own frequency. It's like an instrument. The neck and the lumbar region should correspond, but sometimes they sing out of tune. Every vertebrae is connected to the parasympathic nervous system that spans out over the entire body. What Dr. Lawrence does is specialize in identifying tension and releasing it from specific spots. It's very precise. There's always a window to the nervous system. The pressure he applies is no more than you'd feel comfortable with by applying your thumb to your closed eye-socket. This relaxes and allows the body to adjust to itself. One touch and the patient demonstrated that he had to be left for at least four minutes because his deeper breathing was activated and he had an irresistible compulsion to move, adjusting his body to the new-found comfort. Dr. Lawrence explained that that one touch will affect the body for the next 48 hours.

The patient in question apparently came in six months ago because his posture was horrendous, he had limited movement, he had very little strength, he couldn't see farther than six metres ahead, he had constant migraines, he had been taking blood pressure medication as well as two other medications including Vilox that have been taken off the market since because they cause more problems then they cure. He was paying a fortune and he honestly thought he was going to die. He said that for a year he vomited every day. He spent more time hugging the toilet then his wife, and he loves his wife. He had no hope, except one last try: He went off all medication except the blood pressure medication which he's still going to stop. His migranes were relieved within the first week, he's regained eye-sight, and he has as much strength as he did when he was 30 (he's 40-something) working 14 hour shifts as a delivery man. He still needs adjustments but from hearing him tell his story, I was surprised that I wasn't in complete disbelief.

It was interesting and relevant because I've been reading Edward Tenner's "Why Things Bite Back" which outlines medical history (as well as other issues affecting civilization) and talks about how the things we try to prevent and cure have revenge effects which in many cases are worse than the problem in the first place. An example is how bacteria are more resistant to antiobiotics because of humanity's interventions. If a patient is given insulin, the pancrease may feel it's unneeded and contribute to diabetes. There are also positive revenge effects like the fact that WWI and WWII especially, increased the medical professions ability to deal with emergency situations quickly. In the first war, the majority died from infection during the times when amputation was popular. Now, because biotechnology and communication is so advanced, professionals can study and predict new mutations in RNA strands to annually release influenza vaccines. The scene is complicating as we type.

The encouraging idea in all this is that our physiology, whether it be made up of mind stuff or material stuff or spiritual stuff has an (divine) intelligence of its own. It registers its likes and dislikes and adapts to what it thinks it needs. Sometimes it copes poorly by tensing up and self-annihilating, but I believe that even a mentality in itself can have a ripple-effect the way medicine does, but very different. This gives credence to the idea that our bodies and minds are directly connected. Islam acknowledges that there is an order to things and that when things are contributing to creation and balance they are contributing to Islam. I think this is the same idea with many different conceptions of God. I know that people in situations that are intertwined with the circumstances of their lives, their influences, their environment may not have an easy solution to their unrest but having hope, and this is key, really does have a direct result.



Blogger Lioness said...

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6:42 a.m.  
Blogger Lioness said...

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6:27 p.m.  
Blogger DW and Sarah said...

So is the amount of hope one has relevant to the healing he will incur? What then is the doctor doing, if not instilling more hope in the patient? Can people heal themselves?

10:31 p.m.  

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